Materials Relating to
Language Study
updated 7/6/18 NEW ITEMS!
Analyzing Controversy - a practical manual Beyond the Textbook. -- Will politics save it from extinction? The Case for Case -- "me" is not a substandard word. Cloning Student Voice -- But there are always competing voices. Common Errors in Logic and Rhetoric -- common but widely unappreciated. Conceptual or Empirical? -- On what basis do we judge possible truth: definition or research? Constructive Criticism. What is it? -- Well done, it helps. Controversy Worksheet --problems of understanding, authority, and value. Counterexamples, Using -- How to construct them. Cultural Domination and the Teaching of ESOL -- How is the ESOL curriculum different from English Language Arts? Delegitimating Interests:-- confusing fact and valuation Detecting Fallacies -- examining crucial assumptions Developing Interrogatories -- consistency in questioning Diagramming Concepts --Reasoning with Venn diagraams
Dimensions of Definition -- theory & practice sheet Evaluating Proposed Program Expansion. -- Is the subject worth studying? To what degree? eas
-- graphics Hidden Logic. An introduction to the analysis of informal argument -- theory and practice pages. The Indeterminacy of Consensus -- language is, at some level, always ambiguous or vague. Isomorphisms:
parallel structures of thought. Justice vs Expedience. Case analysis -- group activity Korean for Analysis -- another language acquisition exercise Language Acquisition Exercise . Simple Korean phrases for analysis by contrast and comparison -- worksheet Language Ideology in Schooling Practice -- Kids know quite a bit about about language and how it can be misused. A Method for Generating Critical & Criterial Questions -- worksheet -- a critical rhetorical distinction Mechanisms for Policy Reversal -- transforming the language of approval into that of gainsaying. The Mind's Eye -- How Many Words is a Picture Worth?Model Cases for Analysis -- class definition by contrast and comparison. Models of Reasoning -- embellishments on Toulmin's structure of argument model Name Dropping Is Not Enough: faking it with buzzwords
Needs Assessment. -- A critical ambiguity with the word, "needs" Operationalization -- theory & practice sheet -- Converting informal description to measureable variables. The Plagiarism Book -- How (Not) to do it. The blade cuts both ways. Policy Slogan Analysis -- What is meant by "teacher accountability." PSEUDO-SOLUTIONS/ Three Disciplinary Slogans -- "enchanted" language mimics feasibility Reconstructing Assumptions -- exercise in argument building Slogans: --- the function of slogans. What impediments do they create? Slogan Analysis Exercises: identify motivational intent & possible resulting obfuscation Slogan Development -- goal vs morale Slogans BIBLIOGRAPHY weblinks to articles and other sources The Teaching-Learning Connection Transformational Exercises in English -- Deducing grammar. Using Counterexamples -- How to construct them. What's the Connection? -- exercises in uncovering assumptions What is a synopsis? -- How to do one.