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updated 6/10/18  NEW ITEMS!

Administrative Concerns

Are "Best Practices" Good Enough? -- the elephants' graveyard

Are Kids Crazy? Is their patience pathological? -- Sane people might create more class disturbance.

Cannonfodder: Preparing Teachers for Public Schools -- Why there is a 12% per year drop-out rate.

Children and Discipline : a teacher's guide -- book review

The Classroom Teacher:Who Wants Experts?

Curriculum Issues

The Deep Secrets of Motivation -- Making things go your way.

DEMOCRATIC CLASSROOMS: Impediments and Possibilities

Democratic Classrooms: Incorporating Student Voice and Choice in Teacher Education Courses

Dissecting Schooling Benefits -- Cost and Benefit balancing. The issue of equity.

Diversity Concerns

Dragons, Sea Monsters, and Kids Who Don't Want to Learn -- common classroom myths

The Dynamics of Teacher Certification -- mythologies of competition

Educational Theorists

Evaluating a Presentation: scales

EVERY CHILD ABOVE AVERAGE -- Achieving the Lake Wobegon Vision

Fear in the Classroom -- Is Schooling Still Sufficiently Educational?

Using the Gallery of Educational Theorists

The Ideal School: What should it be like?

Increasing Teacher Efficiency -- a classroom remodeling job

Kids Don't Want to Learn? Why Not Pay Them?

Exercise in Language Acquisition. Korean for analysis by contrast and comparison -- worksheet

Exercise in Language Acquisition: Grammar Through Contrast & Comparison -- Worksheet

My First Classroom Teaching Experience -- It wasn't at all what I expected.

Language Ideology in Schooling Practice -- where it makes a practical difference

Literacy Education


Micromanaging Teachers -- What interventions are productive?

Mission vs. Function -- Organizational constraints on educational aspiration.

Models of Learning -- character, understanding, skills

Motivating Kids? Not to Worry!

No Flower Shall Wither: Horticulture in the Kingdom of the Frogs -- a parable

Organizational Issues

Interest in Philosophical Issues

Policy Slogan Analysis -- Examining "teacher accountability."

Power in Schooling Practice: The Educational Dilemmas

Production Models of Schooling-- Linear causation and variants, discussion questions.


Psychological Issues

Psychologists in the Classroom -- benefits and costs

The School As Organization -- the interplay of different organizational models

School Computer Use Policy: a critical analysis

Schooling Vs. Parenting on the Third Rock -- A Report to the "Big Giant Head"& a Proposal for Phase Two of Our Study of Planet Earth

School Violence, Punishment and Justice -- -- What's the problem? What's the cure? Is it satisfactory?

Servant Leaders for the 2lst Century: Curriculum Proposal in Leadership Through Cooperative Learning

Service Learning -- If you are compelled, is that service?

Slogans for Classroom Management -- They can be helpful.

Social Foundations Issues

The Student as "Client." -- Is this the right relationship?

The Teacher as Technician: Will Technology Improve Schooling?

Teacher Evaluation: Educational Process for Pedagogical Improvement Or Punitive, Political Tool?

The Teaching-Learning Connection

The Textbook: Tool or Symbol?

Time-on-Task Evaluation -- a report of a trial experiment

What Can A Teacher Do? Two Myths of Responsibility