Materials for Social
Foundations of Education

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edited 1/25/19

American Class Structure Model -One approach to understanding social dynamics. A sorting exercise.

Analyzing Arne Duncan's "Race to the Top" Speech

Assessing Role and Commitment-- How far will you go to make change happen?

Central Planning of School Experience
How much is possible? Will Mastery Curriculum help?

Character Traits and School Roles - Investigate group consensus as to what is desirable in various school roles.

Combatting Educational Corruption --
Applying the Federal False Claims Act to Schooling Organizations

Conflict in Schools ... Where Does It Occur? Synopsis. A theatre metaphor for school processes.

Controversy Analysis Worksheet - analysis protocol

Cooperation and Coercion -- Why are these concepts conflated in school practice?

Core Concepts and Confusions BIBLIOGRAPHY weblinks to articles and other sources

Cultural Domination -- Language training for social ranking

Dissecting Educational Benefits -- A typology of conflicting goals.

The Dynamics of Teacher Certification: myths of competition -- Are there really "pendulum swings" in curriculum and policy matters?

Education and Immigration: Time line with immigration data, events 

Educational Policy BIBLIOGRAPHY weblinks to articles and other sources

Educational Theory of ...analytical framework

Educational Theory of Mortimer Adler

Ethics BIBLIOGRAPHY weblinks to articles and other sources

Fairness, Expedience and Favoritism: What are the criteria for differentiating them? A worksheet of case examples.

Functions of Conflict in the Context of Schooling  Conflict produces both costs and benefits.

Using the Gallery of Educational Theorists

History Studies

The Indeterminacy of Consensus:
masking ambiguity and vagueness in decision

Internet Access Policy Analysis
A school example with cost/benefit considerations.

Isomorphisms: parallel structures of thought.
The Skeletons of Metaphor. How can we recognize them?

Justice BIBLIOGRAPHY weblinks to articles and other sources

Mission vs. Function: limits to schooling aspiration

Moral Responsibility in the Education Industry -- What responsibilty do school have for a student's future occupational success?

"Protection": Prevention, Extortion, Compensation?

Problem Analysis Worksheet: How stakeholder perceptions affect outcomes.

Profession, Problems and Policy -- an expanded palette of essays and materials

Pseudo-Solutions: Three Disciplinary Slogans -- essay

Does Public Education Support American Democracy?

Public School Reform: a major tactic in America's "hidden" class war.

"Race to the Top" A speech by Arne Duncan.

RanPop Simulation Experiment: macro/micro socio-cultural interactions

School Image: expectations & controversies essay explaining disagreements about schooling

School Priorities Inventory: indicates extent of competing expectations

School Reform BIBLIOGRAPHY weblinks to articles and other sources

Slogans: --- the function of slogans. What impediments do they create?

Slogan Analysis Exercises: identify motivational intent & possible resulting obfuscation

Socializing, Educating and Schooling:- By what criteria are they distinguished? Case examples are given.

Survey of Beliefs and Attitudes about Education. self-survey

Syllabi for Social Foundations of Education -- two versions, graduate and undergraduate

Synopsis of the Abortion Struggle Using Lewis Coser's Functions of Conflict

Teacher Preparation BIBLIOGRAPHY weblinks to articles and other sources

Teaching Disciplined Hypothesis Formation
How to formulate testable hypotheses.

Thunder on the Right: the Protestant Fundamentalists Its impact on American schools.

Two Faces of American Public Education a concept map showing how politics and productivity relate

Violence, Imposition, Wrongdoing:By what criteria are they distinguished? Case examples are given.

What is an "At-risk" Student? -- Forgoing an opportunity does not necessary create a risk.

What is a Problem? analysis activity

Why Not Consider Membership in the

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