Socialization, Education, Schooling
©1999 Edward G. Rozycki
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  edited 4/3/12

Step 1: Consider these related and contrasting terms. Don't worry about their definitions. Just be aware that these terms can influence our understanding of what socialization or education or schooling is.

Some Related Terms training, discipline, learning, acculturation  development, learning, edification, tutelage, direction instruction, institutionalization, learning, teaching
Some Contrasting Terms isolation, exclusion, degeneration, feral, autistic, solitude stupidity, vulgarity, coarseness, ignorance, talent knack, talent, haphazardness, autodidactic

Step 2: Read through all Case Examples below. Note their points of contrast and comparison.

Step 3: Identification of Examples. Working alone, use the following scale to evaluate each case as an example of socialization or education or schooling. Do each column independently:


CHART B: Case Examples
1. Sammy is given piano lessons in his home by a private teacher.      
2. Sammy is shown by local gang members how to assist in a burglary.      
3. Sammy learns to sit patiently with a headache waiting for the school nurse while she takes a coffee break.      
4. Sammy learns to turn in homework on time.      
5. Sammy gains twenty pounds.      
6. Sammy learns to sing tenor in his school choir.      
7. After.spending three years alone in a cave, Sammy achieves a mystical experience.      
8. Sammy serves a detention locked alone in a classroom      
9. Sammy comes to believe that Lincoln was female.      
10. Sammy's teacher tells him that Lincoln was a Confederate spy.      

Step 4: Team up with a partner. Note your points of agreement and disagreement. Develop an explanation as to why you disagree. What additional information in each case would bring you to agree on it?

Step 5: Combine your team with another. Note your points of agreement and disagreement. Develop an explanation as to why you disagree. What additional information in each case would bring you to agree on it?

Step 6: Repeat step 5 until the entire group (class) is included and reaches the best consensus possible on each item. Complete this step before going on to step 7.

Step 7. Reclassify. Are some of the cases better described using words from Chart A?