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Materials for
Organizational Studies

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updated 5/15/18


America 2000 and Consensus -- We all know what a successful reform that was! But why?

Authority, Fact&Value--Interconnections & Dependencies

Avoiding Medication Errors: Examining the Policy for Testing the Proficiency of Student Nurses

Bad Apples or Sour Pickles?
Fundamental Attribution Error and the Columbine Massacre

Bullying -- Why organizations tolerate it.

Classification Error in Evaluation Practice:
the impact of the "false positive" on educational practice and policy

Conflict in Higher Education Faculty Evaluation: an organizational perspective -- Teaching vs research; collegiality vs accountability.

Controlling the School: Institutionalization -- Formalism vs Goal Focus.

A Voice Between Realms: Examining the Call to Defund National Public Radio

Dissecting Schooling Benefits -- Who gets what. Who pays for it. What about equity?

Domestic Abuse: Organizational and Employee Impact

Employee Resistance to Organizational Change -- Rational Bases for resistance.

Evaluation & Assessment BIBLIOGRAPHY weblinks to articles and other sources

Fiscal Policy Effects on Grade Inflation

The Fractalization of Social Enterprise -- unbounded interactions between concerns about consensus, authority, and efficiency

Indeterminacy of Consensus, The -- Dimensions of evanescence

Interrogatories for Analysis, Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution -- Standardized questioning procedures

LEADERSHIP AS USURPATION -- the Grand Inquisitor Syndrome...

Leadership vs Morality: an unavoidable conflict? -- Can you really afford a conscience?

Mission vs. Function -- Organizational constraints on educational aspiration.

Organizational Issues and Insights: Papers examinining various aspects of organizational functioning and culture

The Organizational Problem: illusion and reality -- case study. Practicing " recognition magic" in organizations.

Perspectives on Governance in Community Colleges Using Different Organizational Models

Productivity, Politics and Hypocrisy in American Public Education: school organization as instrument and expression
Political concerns undermine productivity; and, vice-versa.

Pluralism and Rationality -- Can they co-exist?

Production Models of Schooling : the causal metaphor

Psychological Concerns

Questionable Assumptions in Social Decision Making

The School As Organization -- the interplay of different organizational models

School Violence, Punishment and Justice -- -- What's the problem? What's the cure? Is it satisfactory?

Service Learning -- If you are compelled, is that service?

SIMULATION: Structure, Performance and Ability -- modeled on Edward Deming's Red Ball Experiment