Ethical Argument, Practical Proposal

edited 8/21/11

In each of the essays below, a proposal is presented. Each author undertakes

a. to show that at root there is an issue of ethical import.

b. to provide each proposal (the claim) with a supporting structure of justification according to Toulmin: evidence, warrants and bases.

c. to provide a cursory cost-benefit analysis probabilized over the short and long run; and

d. to address rebuttals related to Cue, Concern and Control.


Dealing with High School Plagiarism by Christopher Nagy

Disciplining Personnel for Online Ordering of Medications on School Computers

Equitable Participation Opportunities for Student on Field Trips by Louise Herrity

Inequitability of the Abbott Districts' Funding Law in New Jersey by Frank Badessa

Irregularities in the Hiring Process: an Ethical Issue? By Peter L. Koza

Program Improvement: Universal Preschool in Pennsylvania by James Coyle

Reflection to Enhance Clinical Reasoning Skills in Athletic Trainers by Scott Heinerichs

A Ship without a Rudder: reconstructing a foundering middle school by Jason Finn





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