edited 1/17/17

Seminars, Workshops and Publications
for Staff and Leadership Development

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(Titles where active, are hyperlinks to pertinent on-site literature)

We at NewFoundations are well aware of and sensitive to the fact that institutions, particular public institutions, have both a technical as well as a political dimension. We are careful, always, to distinguish between the role of analyst -- generally appropriate for troubleshooting and planning -- and the role of advocate -- particularly appropriate when dealing with external audiences, or across internals lines of division separating constituencies, e.g. administration, staff, clientele, etc. We believe that the health of an organization depends strongly on not confusing these two roles, but respecting the areas in which each works best.

NewFoundations' specialists offer a variety of practical seminars and workshops for educators. We respect the professional experience of our clients and do not talk down to them. Seminars feature active learning and structured inquiry, not lecture. If you have a specific interest, the following topics can be adapted to fit your needs.

Competitive Proposal Development for Curriculum and General Planning
Curriculum theory often overlooks the real problems of competing demands for scarce resources in contexts of cultural diversity. This workshop helps educators develop programs where scarcity is an everyday fact and agreement about policy implementation is hard to come by.

Contending with Extremist Attacks
School official routinely find themselves to be the targets of extremist groups. Knowing their strategy and tactics helps school people defend themselves against unpleasant surprises. Through activities, participants will come to better understand and more effectively combat intrusions by such extremists into the school community.

Coping with Competing Expectations
What is the school that people worry about its being effective and moral and politic, often at the same time? The school is perceived as different things by different people, and even as different things by the same person under different circumstances. This workshop examines various perspectives and their implications for practice and policy implementation. A priorities inventory is administered to participants and analyzed. The perpetual "pendulum swing" of school reform movements and shifting community demands can be understood as the competition of competing expectations. Practical ways of addressing this chronic situation are explored which give participants a handle on dealing with the complexities of schooling.

Dealing with Conflict
A series of workshops that brings participants to proactively anticipating and dealing effectively with school conflicts. Participants learn new techniques for assessing levels of commitment and other tools necessary to develop consensus on school programs. Participants will learn to recognize how basic organizational dynamics may work to impede program implementation.

Developing and Writing Mission Statements
A survey technique of participant school community members is used to provide the foundation of school philosophy and mission statements that go beyond mere sloganizing toward expressing real and practical consensus on the purposes of the school.

Developing Criteria for Decision in a Pluralistic Context
Pluralism need not generate political stalemate. Political struggle over criteria for decision can be forestalled. This workshop shows how to build up consensus prior to criteria formulation so that recognizable equity is built into the decision-making process.

Diversity: need human differences generate educational problems?
Not every difference makes a difference. Responding to educationally irrelevant differences generates a variety of problems for the school. This seminar focuses on what is educationally relevant, and the practical problems of legal versus moral conceptions of difference. Specific attention is given to issues of ethnicity, handicap and gender.

Justifying and Defending Your Decisions
Transform court summons from a dreaded inquisition into a more than equal sparring match. Learn how to found your decisions on principle and evidence and be prepared to deflect and neutralize potential and actual attacks on your judgment.

Meeting The New Geography Standards
Geography has emerged as a subject of importance in the curriculum. New state and national standards set benchmarks for student achievement. This interactive, hands-on workshop helps familiarize teachers with the discipline and shows them how to develop materials and lesson plans that bring student achievement up to those standards

Practical Token Economies
Using substantially cognitively adapted approaches to behavior modification, a practical method of dealing with classroom management tried and tested for nearly twenty years at troubled middle schools will be presented. Training and simulation sessions will examine the costs as well as the benefits. Particular focus is made on the replacement of extrinsic with intrinsic, school appropriate rewards. Cross-cultural variations in application will be reviewed.

Preventing, Detecting & Combating Plagiarism and Cheating
Plagiarism and cheating have always been headaches for educators, but the Internet has turned those headaches into migraines. Well over 100 sites offer students free papers, papers for hire or detailed instructions on how to cheat. This hands-on workshop arms educators with knowledge and specific techniques for dealing with this dishonesty.

Teaching Grammar without Teaching Grammar
Participants will learn how to rely on natural student linguistic capacities to have them deduce structures and construct their own approaches to the grammatical patterns of the target language. The use of both structural and transformative linguistic approaches will be demonstrated. Indirect, yet highly effective methods of teaching vocabulary, grammar and concept development will be shown. Interactive sessions will enable participants to carry it all back to their classrooms.

Writing School Policy That Works.
Participants will use new techniques to critically examine policy formulations for their political and practical effectiveness. Emphasis will be on developing actual documents for use. The likely political interaction between policy and affected constituencies will be charted so as to provide direction for approaches to implementation.