Gwynedd Friends Meeting, Gwynedd, PA 19436

Original posting 3/22/14
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of the
Religious Society of Friends,

believe in

• the presence of the Light of God in Everyone,

Direct Communion with the Divine ,

Continuing Revelation .

Firmly rooted in the Christian tradition, we eagerly welcome believers of all faiths as fellow members of God's universal community.


  give life to our deeply held concerns and understandings. These have been devel­oped by Friends over the past 350 years and might be called the Quaker equivalent of the creeds of other churches.


  Four inter-connected testimonies are:

Equality : there is that of God in each person and each has opportunities to express that Divinity

•  Integrity: to be truly in harmony with our­selves, and to be whole spiritually, we need to live our beliefs

  •  Peace: both working to remove the causes of war and a commitment to non-violence in resolving all matters of conflict

•  Simplicity: a commitment to "living simply so that others may simply live" ; avoiding all ex­cess; living intentionally and with restraint.


Sunday Programs for Children are offered from 9:50 am to noon from September through June. For preschool age children, nursery, and childcare are provided year round.

After worship, from 11:00 am to noon September through May, we hold Adult First Day School with hymn singing and presentations by volunteers.


to our Meetinghouse

We worship in our Meetinghouse on Sundays from 9:30 am to 10:30 am.

Enter quietly and take a seat.

Some Friends arrive early to sit in silence and quiet their thoughts before the start of Meeting for Worship. This is called " centering down ."

We at Gwynedd Friends follow the "unpro-grammed" style of worship , which simply means that we don't have a pastor who leads our services.

Fellowship Hour follows at noon. Come meet us and enjoy some light refreshments.

Equality   • Integrity   • Peace   • Simplicity


We gather in silent community, quiet the superficial chatter in our minds, calm our hearts, and seek the source of love and truth in our lives.

Friends describe this source in various ways: God, the Spirit, the Inward Light, the Divine, the Christ Within, the still small voice.

Meeting for Worship is an opportunity to give praise for all the good in our lives and rejoice in God's creation.

It's a time we may use to consider the challenges in our lives, to connect with the power of good in others, to practice the power of forgiveness, and to contemplate opportunities for service.

We may be moved to stand and share a message that often lends meaning to our worship. A handshake marks the end of the hour of Meeting for Worship.

• The Light of God in Everyone,
• Direct Communion with the Divine
• Continuing Revelation

For other Quaker meetings in the area, see Abington Quarter

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