linkcheck 2/16/18
In order for attempts to change conditions at
_____________________ to succeed, the certain people will have to do
those things indicated to promote the change. Persons to be specified
are I (for myself), A (for administration) or O
(for other colleagues.)
_______1. Commit criminal acts.TO TOP_______2. Violate school codes
_______3. Resign.
_______4. Accept transfer.
_______5. Press for a colleague's resignation.
_______6. Confront colleagues frequently.
_______7. Press for a colleague's transfer.
_______8. Accept general dislike by colleagues.
_______9. Embarrass a colleague in public.
_______10. Intervene in a colleague's affairs.
_______11. Upbraid a colleague.
_______12. Confront students frequently.
_______13. Accept general dislike by students.
_______14. Embarrass a student in public.
_______15. Lose position of importance.
_______16. Lose goodwill of colleagues.
_______17. Accept special unpaid duties.
_______18. Float.
_______19. Give up discretionary time.
_______20. Start work earlier.
_______21. Leave work later.
_______22. Accept higher numbers of problem students.
_______23. Forego participation in decision-making.
_______24. Accept the decisions of others without complaint.